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[MiMi YunHee{Aminah}].
borned on [9/22] and im sweet . i study in [school] and im lovely. PINK & WHITE IS SIMPLY LOVE.

be nice to me & i'll be twice as nice to you.


To Be an Idol w/ many fans and wotas
To be a real life princess
To have a lot of friends
To marry Verbal from MfloNOTHING lol
To be a magical girl


ignorant/intolerant people
Hate itself
Creepy bugs
Pigeons, Peacocks, & other big creepy birds

Wishes *

Please write comments~!


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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
High School So far~ *

The first day was good. I wish I would have wirtten while it was fresh on my mind. Today walking into school the boy I admire was behind me. I held the door open for him he said thanks. I was sooo scared to reply, so I ran lol. 

Also my birthday is next week so new phone!
Today was also picture day. Let's hope they looked so pretty!
4:31 PM


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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Going to school *

Hey I'll be leaving for school at about 7:00~! I'm not as nervous as I am yesterday but Still nervous...Well I'll report AGAIN later haha :D
3:11 AM


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Monday, September 6, 2010
Tommorow is the first day of the best four years of my life... *

Tommorow is when I start High school. I'm already nervous being a) A freshman b) new to the school and c) my dad is going to be the principal > o <~!!! Plus I won't really know anyone.!

Well tommorow I'm going to wear a Jean Floral hemmed spagetti strapped summer dress w/ a pink cardigan sweater a pink bow in the back of my hair and some Mary Jane style black shoes~!
I'll report how it went when I come back tommorow.
Oh and I doubt anyone EVER reads this blog. But the statistics say I get at least like one view each day, I think its the same person. And I've only got ONE comment so far. SoOoOoOoO that being said:
PuhLeeeeease COMMENT!! Pleease. Like you can even like troll my blog I just dont wanna sound stupid blogging to myself lol.

2:46 PM


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Sunday, September 5, 2010
High school *

Tommorow is the day before Highschool, starts. Golly!IM SO SCARED > <
6:24 PM


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Friday, September 3, 2010
9th Grade Orientation *

Yesterday was my entering 9th grade oreintation... I was sooo nervous. I wore a lacey cute off white blouse and a tan plaid skirt with a big black&white polka dot hair bow. When the day first started I was sorta late. There was a tunnel of upper classmen/link leaders screaming and waiting. I had to go through the tunnel of students. I was so scared that I walked through a little but ran back to my ma at the gym door. My mom told me not to be afraid. I walked slowly scared and my dad was at the end of the tunnel because he's the school principal. "Hey sweetie you look beautiful!" he told me. I told him how nervous I was and he assured me not to be afraid and that the upperclassmen were there to make us feel comfortable. I sat on the bleachers with about 250+ other freshman. I felt alone because I didnt know anyone. It took me a lot to hold back tears. I think I'm having a lot of social anxiety because I haven't been around a lot of people my age this summer. We did a lot of activities. Then we went into groups into a classroom. There were other freshman and two upperclassmen "link" leaders. We did activities w/ them. They also gave us props to wear on our tour. Our group was the pirates so we had eyepatches. I wore mine around my neck bc I didnt want to look silly. When it was over I went to my dad's office and we ate Wendey's for lunch. I really hope on the first day of school I won't be so scared like I was yesterday... Well wish me luck for Tuesday~



2:37 PM


This is Brilliant~

By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 1, 2010 at 2:19 PM  

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Mosque on Ground Zero *

I feel that a Mosque should be put on Ground Zero in New York City. I understand a lot of people were killed in the 9/11 attacks and stuff but how can you punish the people who practice Islam in the area for what just a few extremist did. That's like when people tell black people to forget about slavery cus "IT WAS ONLY LIKE 200 YEARS AGO HERDERP" Which I don't blame all white people for slavery which would be stupid and I hardly know any black people that do. The same as I can guarantee at least a couple of people in my school will have family lines tied through slavery. Heck why don't we blame every white person in this country after all they did kill those "savages" called Native Americans. Oh yeah let's also blame Jews because they like killed Jesus. Oh and let's blame all Japanese people because of Pearl Harbor. And Let's banish all black's because of the LA riots where 50 people were killed. The point is yes I understand A LOT of people died in the 9/11 attacks but if we generalize and punish one race of people then hey let's blame everyone. Cus' ya know what if you look through history every type of person has commited a tragedy. Which leads me to the point as which people say it's insensitive. Last time I checked this country gave people rights to Freedom of Religion but NOTHING about sensitivity. Personally it isn't like the mosque will be bothering people. I mean if you don't practice Islam DON'T go there that simple. The Bible talks about rape, slavery, and other horrible things should a church be dubbed insensitive being placed by a Battered woman's home? You decide... But anyway before people start commenting and saying I'm a muslim blah blah yes my birth name is Aminah. Doesn't get more arabic and muslim than that bit let me tell you this no I don't practice Islam or Christianity but I don't believe in bashing people because of their religion. Seriously people don't generalize, and be idiots. Your the neckbeards that make people want to blow up America.  

Peace lol


11:35 AM


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